"Statistics suggest that about 20 percent of the parents who separate and divorce will have very high conflict for many years after the divorce. The courts can't help these folks, but a commitment to their children can."
Philip M. Stahl
Parenting After Divorce: A Guide to Resolving Conflicts and Meeting Your Children's Needs. http://www.parentingafterdivorce.com/
Parenting Coordination Email Rules/Parental Email Etiquette
The Berg, Debele, DeSmidt & Rabuse, P.A.-sponsored High Conflict Resolution Resources Center (HCRRC) is dedicated to making resources available to families, individuals and professionals working with families on conflict resolution.
High-conflict family matters are present when the family looks primarily to the courts and lawyers to resolve its issues. Matters involve child custody disputes, parenting time disputes, differences in child-rearing practices, fears and concerns about chemical dependency, introducing new people, and third-party (including grandparents) involvement with children. Mental health concerns and anger management issues also generally exist in the context of high-conflict legal proceedings.
Berg, Debele, DeSmidt & Rabuse, P.A., is concerned that the resources that might be available to families in need are scattered and difficult to locate, even for family law professionals. The information provided will be updated periodically, but all information should be verified by you with the individual provider. Email contact information is provided only with the professional's consent.
Berg, Debele, DeSmidt & Rabuse, P.A., is a privately owned and operated law firm. Our firm makes no representation by the inclusion or exclusion of entities, individuals or information herein. By entering this page, you are agreeing and acknowledging that you understand our firm makes no warranties about the individuals and information provided and is not liable for damages resulting from the use of this information.